Originally Posted by pingswinger
With R1 and R3, B1 hits a foul fly on firstbase side off into foul ball territory. With a lot of foul territory, the flyball carries first baseman way over by fence. My question: On a tag situation, I found myself on 3B line extended way over by dugout checking the catch/no catch on the foul ball. It then dawned on me that the runner could have advanced at third without me checking tag. Is this my responbility or BU responsibility.
I would not try to gain distance on this play. I aslo would not be on 3BLE. Remaining on the third baseline side of the plate, I would go no more than half the distance towards the back stop. At the catch, I quickly check R3. If he's no more than a step and a half off third, he didn't leave early.
I'm still close enough to get into position for a play at the plate and I'm not in the way of the throw.