Thread: ncaa traveling
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Old Sun Mar 18, 2007, 01:05pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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The point that I am trying to make is that travels are called inconsistently at all levels. ALL LEVELS!!! I see many travels that are not travels at all in HS games. I see travels that might need to be called that are not called at the college level. I know in our State Tournament there were calls that I thought without a doubt were blown and were called by the official. If you talked to officials that were standing around watching, we could not always agree what was the right call either way. I do not think NCAA officials make a consistent effort to “pass” on obvious travel calls. I think they do not want to call what they “think” are travels and call what they “know” to be travels. I know there are travel calls I have made that at the time I was confident in when I made the call, only to look at tape and see I was totally wrong or too technical. Also if you actually watch an NBA game, I have seen many travel calls on the star players that people claim they let get away with traveling. I was watching a couple of games and they called 3 or 4 calls in a row on Shaq and Kobe in completely different games. I even saw Lebron get called a couple of times on consecutive times up the floor. I think it is a little overplayed how much are missed consciously. I think we all miss those calls from time to time when we blow the whistle and when we do not blow the whistle. I know it may shock some of you, but NCAA officials are still human beings. When players make all their shots and never turn the ball over, then I will expect 3 people to be perfect and make every single call correctly.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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