Originally Posted by bossman72
1. Award him third (90% sure on this one)
2. FED- no, he is subject to appeal. OBR- he may legally retouch since he didn't ADVANCE to the next base when the ball became dead.
3. You are allowed to appeal first again since the first one was during playing action. The only time you lose your appeals is when you screw up during relaxed action.
1. i think you are correct - but i'm not sure what rule to cite. i know obr cites 2 bases from time of throw - where is the exception for this award not to apply in this scenerio
2. i don't think R1 is allowed to return to retag 1st at this point. OBR 7.10 approved ruling - 'when the ball is dead, no runner may return to touch a missed base or one he has left after he has advanced to and touched a base beyond the missed base.
3. i think the defense is out of luck. in obr i think the defense is allowed only one chance at making the appeal. all appeals are during live ball "playing action" whether the appeal is made immediately - as in my situation, or following a time out, the ball must be live for a proper appeal