Originally Posted by newump
R1 running on the pitch. no outs. fly ball to F7. R1 makes the turn at second and then realizes that the ball will be caught. he slams on the brakes and begins to retreat. F7's throw is released while R1 is still on the 3rd base side of 2nd base. F7's throw goes out of play while R1 is still on the 3rd base side of 2nd.
1. should R1 be awarded home since he was had already reached 2nd, or 3rd since he had to tag up at 1st prior to advancing?
2. is R1 still allowed to tag up even though he was on or beyond 2nd when the ball was thrown out of play?
3. assuming that R1 does not retreat all the way to 1st and tag up prior to accepting his award, is the defense precluded from appealing again at first, because they already had their one chance to appeal - and they threw it out of play?
fed, ncaa, obr - any differences? rule citations would be appreciated.
sorry for so many questions.
1. Award him third (90% sure on this one)
2. FED- no, he is subject to appeal. OBR- he may legally retouch since he didn't ADVANCE to the next base when the ball became dead.
3. You are allowed to appeal first again since the first one was during playing action. The only time you lose your appeals is when you screw up during relaxed action.