Originally Posted by Old School
Rule 4-27-5 does not agree with you here, imo.
Read rules 4-41 and 6-7-9EXCEPTION(c), you f***ing moron. That's the applicable rule. Also read casebook play 6.7SitE. In that play, continous motion applies to a shooter who never does leave his feet. A "try" starts when the ball comes to rest in a player's hands to start the shooting motion,
NOT when he leaves his feet. And continuous motion has got dick-all to do with the call anyway.
You just don't understand the basic rules concepts needed to call plays like this.
I said I was gonna ignore this idiot for the rest of this thread, but he is just stoopid beyond belief. Old School, when it comes to stupidity, you've raised the bar beyond the reach of mere mortal idiots.