Originally Posted by Old School
1)At what point did he establish LGP as opposed to what point the offensive player was legality in the act of shooting. Once the offenisive player foot is off the floor, he is now in the act of shooting and it is too late for the defensive player to established LGP.
2) Well, maybe it's not relevent but across the board using this forum as a guide, we all agree that the 2nd video is a no-call or a block. However, we are split on the first video and it's because we are divided on whether the defender obtained LGP b/4 the shooter was in the act of shooting.
3) Trying to debate advanced topics with senior officials and turning the debate into me versus you is childish and the very reason why we can't get anything changed in the Fed. when it comes to issues like this that we disagree on.
Lah me......you're still trying, aren't you? And you still don't know the basics.
1) Cmathews has already told you what the rule is. It's Officiating 101 again. I'd cite it for you, but you need a rule book to look up the cite. That lets you out. Again, the "act of shooting" in the plays being discussed started with the shooter's feet on the floor. You need to know rules basics before you can make a correct call.
2) No,
we're not split.
You're split. And you're split because you don't understand the concepts of LGP, the "act of shooting" and "time and distance".
3) If you think that's hard, try debating with non-officials who have never owned a rule book in their lives, don't have a clue when it comes to basic officiating concepts, but still insist on wasting everybody's time with stoopid posts. If you're not sure who I'm talking about, JMO, go find a mirror and look in it.
Now take a deep breath and repeat after me.....
"I am a troll."
"I am a troll."
The only bad thing about McGriffs shutting down was that it drove you over here, JMO.