Originally Posted by Old School
At what point did he establish LGP as opposed to what point the offensive player was legality in the act of shooting.
The act of shooting has nothing to do with this. If he has LGP it doesn't matter if the ballhandler is shooting or picking his nose.
Originally Posted by Old School
Once the offenisive player foot is off the floor, he is now in the act of shooting .
Nope, when he starts his normal routine he is in the act of shooting. In this play the act of shooting starts about a step away from the contact. That is when he picks up his dribble to begin to shoot (any further out and it would have been a travel).
Originally Posted by Old School
Having to go to the monitor afterwards to determine if we got it right, means, Houston (NFHS) we got a problem!
The original poster didn't have to go to the monitor. He nailed it full speed in real time.