Originally Posted by Old School
Anything short of an apology, I'm sorry will not be accepted. In fact, that might not work either depending on how I feel that day. There is no going back. Don't even try to trick me with your indirect tactics. We all saw right thru it. I been around too long for that BS, hence the name Old School. You gonna have to do better than that and you should quite playing because I am here to discredit you as bad as you have discredit me. On the real side, you need to get out more my man. Then you will see that people are not perfect. Likewise, on the real side, you can not live your life out of a rulebook. Basketball does not begin nor end with the NFHS Rule or Case book, and last, hating someone because you think they don't have a rulebook or a case book is whack!!!!.....must be something in the kool-aid.
You've got almost all of your standard responses in here; the only ones I can see you're missing are the comments about "throwing officials under the bus", and "don't shoot the messenger". Don't you think you need to go back and edit this post to get those in there?
Here's an idea: answer the questions posed to you directly, instead of using your canned responses that have nothing to do with the subject.
Have a nice day!