I did a summer tournament game in the summer of '05 on a field that had no outfield fence. There was a small hill in RF that led up to a street (about 50 feet from the bottom of the hill to the street). CF and LF were wide open with a significant level dropoff once you got beyond where a fence should have been.
The ground rule was that if a fly ball landed on that hill in RF it was a HR because they did not want players running up that hill after a ball and into the street, so if F9 feels himself running uphill after a ball he can stop because it's a HR. In LF and CF the ground rule was "get all you can". Due to the dropoff a fielder could disappear from view chasing a ball and come back into view throwing.
Another field I get a game on about every other year there is a brick fence but it is far away no King Kong could ever hit one over it, but in LF there is a small hill (again) with a bunch of bushes on it and CF and RF are wide open. Similar ground rules, if the ball lands in the bushes on hill in LF it is a HR. I forget what kind of bushes, but some kind of poisonous bush they don't want the players going into to get a ball. In RF and CF it is "get all you can" except unlike the 1st field mentioned it is fairly level. If you get a hard hit line drive into right center field on this field it will roll down to the girls softball field for an easy HR (on fence on the softball field either to stop it).