Originally Posted by Dan_ref
2 questions:
1. Based on what can the table help make *this* call?
2. First you advise we need to be careful about the honesty of the table crew then you advise we need to trust them. How can this be?
1. Dan, this is a gray area. I wouldn't ever ask the table if a player traveled, however, there is a casebook play which allows the referee to consult the table to determine if a try was in flight or a foul occurred before an unheard horn. (2.13)
Plus have you ever heard of an official asking the table for help on which player committed a foul when the number is forgotten by the officials?
How much you involve the table with calls on the court is very sensitive. I'd like to keep it to a minimum, but I would also like to do all that I can to get the play right for the coaches and kids. Whether the ball hit a pole or struck a wire is a factual issue to me, just as whether a try was released before or after a horn. This is not the same as a judgment call on whether or not a foul occurred.
If you deem that this is a call that an official on the court must make or it simply gets missed, then I can see the validity in that as well.
2. Would you be happier if I had instead written "to rely upon your table to do their job and handle the clock"? I think your second criticism is purely about diction.