Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Old School:
What are you advocating is not "old school." What I am telling you is how the rules committees have wanted it called for at least 50 years, and I have been a boys'/girls' H.S. official for 36 years, women's college for 33 years, and men's college and FIBA for 14 years. What you are advocating is wrong and shows a lack of understanding of the rules and how and why they are written. I feel sorry for you.
MTD, Sr.
Don't feel sorry for me, it's just my opinion. I totally understand the way NFHS wants this call. I just disagree with this particular play being a charge and I know I'm not the only referee that feels this way. I'm just the only referee that's got enough balls to stand my ground on this forum.