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Old Wed Mar 14, 2007, 10:35am
FMadera FMadera is offline
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Originally Posted by Old School
Looks like the red team got job in this game. You telling me the kid didn't step out of bounds on that no block call. The no-block call was a pretty safe no call because the kid didn't lose control of the ball, a more experienced defensive player would have made sure he's going down with him. Then what would your call have been? The reason I say the red team got job because that was not a foul the lead called later. That was good defense on the red, imo.
So let me see if I've got the're going to say the red team got the job because you think, from a camera angle on the other side of the court that a player was out of bounds, even though the official looking down that same sideline, obviously with a better angle than you, didn't call him for being OOB?

And just how much of a player's arm does a defender have to hit for it to no longer be "good defense?" Because if you watch the video closely (heck, not even VERY closely), you'll see the shooter's arm get whacked pretty good.