Originally Posted by Old School
And finally, we talk about habitual motion. When is the player in the act of shooting. Once the player starts his H/M, he is now in the act of shooting. Defensive player runs underneath him, easy block call. Offensive player is allowed to return to the floor.
If the defender is legally "there" (w/o going into the semantics of LGP) before A1 becomes airborne, which he was, then it's a charge. This isn't the NBA, and there isn't a semi circle to help you out.
O/S, I've been reading you for the last month or so and watch you get attacked on here. At times felt sorry for you, but for you to bring up the NBA for what seems to me to be the first time to justify your lack of rules knowledge in this situation, and your blatant disregard for the rules makes me wonder if the "attacks" are warranted. Now what you may perceive was bad defense could've just as well be a set defensive play to open up the lane or baseline to draw the charge. For all we know, the coach could've saw tape where he knows #34 or 23 does nothing but take it the hole and designed plays to counter that. Who knows.
I was just wondering if you ever take anything away from this discussion board that may help improve your game, or are you just hell bent and set in your ways to continuously call your games according to your logic that I read on here (one which I agree with). And I guess I'm falling into the crowd by asking you questions regarding your officiating by asking, what do you do in the off season, or even during the regular season for improvement. I'm not talking about calling rec or AAU to improve your game, I'm talking seeking some type of evaluation through camps or other evaluating methods? Or as you have put it, does your sH$& not stink and you've arrived to the pinnacle of your officiating avocation?