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Old Tue Mar 13, 2007, 06:40pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Connecticut
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CT Special Olympics Unified Games

My supervisor is letting me leave work early on Friday to volunteer to officiate at the Connecticut Special Olympics Unified Games. In these games players with mental retardation play with teammates who help them. The helpers cannot score, block shots or make steals. They can rebound, pass, and dribble. I've been doing this for several years now and it's the highlight of my officiating season. It takes a few minutes to figure out what the players are capable, or incapable, of doing and to adjust our calls to those players. Some players may be able to stop with a pivot foot, and we can call a traveling violation on them if they don't. Others may be "allowed" a few steps, or even several steps, after stopping their dribble. Some players may be allowed to double, triple, or even quadruple dribble. Others may be held to a higher standard. The out of bounds calls are the easiest. We even have to do some coaching, like saying "go this way" and point. The officials usually join the players and coaches for sandwiches and soda after the games conclude. I've never had a player, coach, or fan, complain about a call, never. I strongly encourage my brother and sister officials to get involved with Special Olympics in your area. You come away from these games with a great feeling that you done something good.
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