Originally Posted by Rcichon
Hey Crowder, I LOVE it when fellow officials get personal to boost their own ego. Reminds me of how not to act. Thanks for the model...
BTW: Thanks Rich and no sarcasm intended.
No offense intended to you personally. I'd love to hear your explanation of how my comment was in ANY way personal.
To expand on my pet peeve (which by no means means anything personal to you!

) - it is bothersome that so many umpires use the phrase you used - "making a travesty of the game" to invent rulings to fit their own personal agendas. I train and schedule umpires, and I've both witnessed and heard about numerous instances of this - usually from the umpire's own explanation of his reasoning in a particularly odd situation.
That phrase appears EXACTLY once in the book, and it's meant to disallow runners running bases in reverse order for the purposes of making a travesty of the game. And that's ALL. It's absolutely not meant as a catch-all to allow umpires to inflict rulings upon teams where otherwise perfectly good rules exist.
Nothing personal.