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Old Tue Mar 13, 2007, 11:27am
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
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Originally Posted by LMan
Like everyone else not in on the ruse, the umpires are going to just be looking at the guy for a few seconds trying to figure out what's going on, and by then R2 is picked off.
Exactly. Everyone but F6 and F1 will be looking at F5. Including the coaches. If the defensive coaches aren't looking at F5 they'll be looking at R2 to see if he's taking the bait. No one in the park will know if I did or didn't have time.
I prefer killing the play, even if delayed, than any other option available. It's not such an egregious act that anyone needs to leave the game for it. Nor, IMO does the offense deserve to profit from this creative, if not flawed, attempt to attract R2s attention.
Actually the more I think about it, if F5s dramatics are only a second or two I might even let the play stand.

What if F5 starts jumping up and down and yelling nonsense? F1 and F6 only need a split second distraction to make the play.
Should we be killing, or calling obstruction on any action that might distract the runner?
What if F2 stands up when F1 is set and yells something funny to F5, distracts R2 and the play is made.
Are we only wanting to penalize F5 for the nature of his distraction or merely for distracting?
Curious to hear what you think.
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