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Old Mon Mar 12, 2007, 05:12pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Here's how to call the play, already laid out for everybody.....

NCAA Rule 9-4AR181:
Team A sets a double screen for A1, who, in attempting to come across the free-throw lane is legally obstructed by offensive and defensive players so that A1 leaves the playing court under the basket, circles around, returns to the playing court and then is the first to receive the ball.
RULING A violation has been committed by A1 for leaving the playing court and then becoming the first player to touch the ball upon return.

Note that there is no provision that the ball must be passed while the player is OOB.

Also note that NCAA rule 9-4-1 applies on all endlines and sidelines to any player that leaves under their own volition, i.e. willingly.

And rule 9-4-1(a) as previously cited in this thread is only an exception related to offensive players being legally OOB on their endline after a made basket or FT by the other team. That they can come back in-bounds and receive the throw-in is all R9-4-1(a) is telling you.

That's my understanding of how everything is to be interpreted.
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