Originally Posted by Old School
I can tell you what I do, but I will be honest, you must established your own threshold, and once that is crossed. I turn into Mr Hyde. Just kidding. But, the first thing I do in these type of games is to setup the benches where the coaches is clearly way away from the table. By doing this, you define there area, and the minute they get outside of that area, and they're complaining too, put them back in there. The reason this is so important is it gives you a reason to complain back at them, and it gets you out of the confrontation. For ex: coach is screaming at you about a travel or a trip or something you didn't call. Just say coach get back in the box and point to it! Don't say this but you are not acknowledging any complaints while they are out of the box. While they're returning to the box, you put the ball in play and continue on. You see how you just avoided a confrontation with the coach, and you sent the message you need to be in the box if you're going to say something to me. You're beginning to get control.
#2.) Stop the bad game and get both coaches together at the table, and let them know to coach there teams and not you. Tell them that the next time I hear somebody stay from anywhere on the bench, that's a travel, that's a foul, that will be a technical and it will get charged to you. This is your warning, you can coach your players but do not coach me. They will start to yack about this and that, and you just say, discussion over, you've both been warned. Tell the table to record in the book the time you issued the warning to both coaches.
Now, you're set the thresholds, you warned them, you're established control, all you need do now is follow-thru. If you eject someone, make them leave the gym. They can not hang around and watch there team finish the game. Hope this helps, and don't be afraid to take care of bizness after you issed the warnings.