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Old Sun Mar 11, 2007, 12:30am
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Posts: 505
Here's the OBR reference

From OBR-

(e) If the pitcher removes his pivot foot from contact with the pitcher’s plate by stepping backward with that foot, he thereby becomes an infielder and if he makes a wild throw from that position, it shall be considered the same as a wild throw by any other infielder.
Rule 8.01(e) Comment: The pitcher, while off the rubber, may throw to any base. If he makes a wild throw, such throw is the throw of an infielder and what follows is governed by the rules covering a ball thrown by a fielder.
So if he doesn't step backward with the pivot foot, he's still "in contact"
1 Base.
"They can holler at the uniform all they want, but when they start hollering at the man wearing the uniform they're going to be in trouble."- Joe Brinkman