Originally Posted by stevestod
Question 2- Bob has a great idea about putting the pylon completely inbounds, I have always called it a touch-back when it hit the pylon. I double check where it is when I line up on a kick-off and fix it if need be to make sure it's out of bounds.
I don't mean to nit-pick, but just where are
you placing the Pylon??
FR19 of the NCAA book (viewable online at the NCAA site) has the pylon placement illustrated that is 100% applicable for all rule codes. Since I don't see a way to link to that image so I can post that illustration, please look at it and tell me that is where you are placing the pylon.
That's the proper and only place it should be placed. If that's what you call "out of bounds" then OK, I agree. The proper placement would be at the inside intersections of the sidelines and goal lines.
Here's a link to the book: