Wed Mar 07, 2007, 11:54pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 652
Originally Posted by goyanksgonj
I've been following things very closely, thanks to the Spring Training Box Scores located at MLB.com (e.g., who's worked where {both city and base}, on what day, etc.), and, as of the conclusion of games on Wednesday, March 7, 2007, I've been unable to place the following 7 umpires as having made their Spring Training debuts to this point:
Derryl Cousins
Mike DiMuro
Mike Reilly
Mike Winters
Tim McClelland
Andy Fletcher
Brian Runge
Anyone with any knowledge of an update on the status of these guys, who could pass such information on to the rest of us, would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, anyone interested in the file I've been meticulously maintaining, IM, e-mail, or PM me, and I'll be happy to pass it along to you. Just make sure that you're clear about your e-mail address when and/or how ever you choose to (or not to) contact me. The reason I say this is because, all I'm going to wind up doing, is sending it to you as an e-mail attachment.
Thats what we do. We all sit around tracking what umpires have worked spring training games. This post makes your previous polls look like gold.