Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Joe West has been running this smack since before he sued to get the Riddell taken out of production. Because of Mr. West's lawsuit, umpires everywhere have been denied the superior protection that the Riddell Power afforded. This is also why I've never owned a West Vest (stupid little protest, really). At the time I traded my Power for some other gear, I did not know that they had been pulled off the market. The guy I traded it to did.
Don't blame Joe West for what happened to the Riddell. As someone who has designed and patented products that are currently in the market place, I have to back him up. Joe was simply protecting his intellectual property, and revenue source. I would do the same thing, if it came down to it.
If Riddell wanted to, they could have designed a product that would have been defendable against his patent. Believe me, it doesn't take much. My guess is they didn't have the stomach for the effort, or decided there wasn't enough profit in chest protectors.
I wonder if they tried to license their product from Mr. West ? You see, although a good product was lost (in some opinions), do you really think Riddell looked at it that way ? They could care less if the absolutely best chest protector that could ever be designed never makes it to the market, if they aren't the ones reaping the profit.
We on the other hand, WANT the opportunity to buy the perfect product, and do get PO'd when we can't. Been there also, so I feel for ya.