Thread: UNC/Duke Game
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Old Sun Mar 04, 2007, 08:15pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by jeffpea
Here's a question for everyone....when was the last time you seen anyone throw an elbow/forearm/"punch"/etc. with an OPEN hand? That's what happened here. It doesn't happen because pre-meditated actions of that nature include the "closed fist" (whether striking with the forearm or elbow).
Haven't you ever read the pertinent NCAA rules? They're posted above already in this thread if you'd like to give 'em a try.

AR5 says "strikes an opponent with the hands...."

NCAA rule 4-23-6 says "an individual strikes an opponent with the hand..."

In both cases, the act can be deemed flagrant.

Having a "closed fist" isn't a prerequisite to have a flagrant foul.
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