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Old Sat Mar 03, 2007, 08:57pm
fonzzy07 fonzzy07 is offline
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Originally Posted by ref18
Well the second time it happened, if I were you, I wouldn't have even contemplated putting air in the whistle. That's your partner's call, and you're in no position to make it standing at half court.

You shouldn't even be watching the ball or the thrower, if both of you have your attention on the thrower, and B-4 gives and uppercut to A-4 who's going to see it?

Other than that, some coaches are ***-holes, and you gotta deal with them, if you think they went way over the line, send a report through your association.

I know that unless I do something wrong, I've got the full backing of my association, when the SHTF.
First off I respect your opinion however in the rec leagues around here when we work with rookies we are told to look at things like this( my rookie was a freshman in HS) so that we catch things they miss, then we tell them these things and they learn is the idea, my assignor had no problem with me looking there and when I did confer with my partner she said it did touch she just STILL did not realize it wasn't allowed. This is gonna go to the leauge however if you were the league director what punishment would you give
Edited to add due to the previous edit: there was no ref room, we were stuck in a gym I figured the best place to go was the table, thats where the most of us were.
I never asked my assignor to the gym, I called him per his wish to inform him that a coach would not let the game end. He decided to come on his own.
It did not matter what I said to this guy he wanted to argue thats why I said nothing. What good would a No have doen.

Last edited by fonzzy07; Sat Mar 03, 2007 at 09:09pm.
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