Originally Posted by rei
Maybe more guys should be called out on making "a little joke". I have been here for all of a week or so, and it seems that is all it takes here to turn a perfectly legitimate thread into a full on flame war!
I'm just saying............
I don't believe it's the intitial joke, but rather the over-the-top over reactive response that moves threads out of the bar and into the alley.
If we were sitting in our favorite watering and somehow, I can't imainge why, were having this a palm-up or palm-down debate and it wasn't about self abuse and Rich wandered in and made his comment; we'd have a laugh and someone would say "Ahhhhh, f@#$ you, Rich." He'd sit down and we'd continue our agenda.
But here, Rich wanders in and makes his comment somone wants to take him outside.
I wonder how some of these paper thin skinned umpires survive a game.