I would appeal right away! He is not making the out call for you per se, he is just determining if the first baseman pulled his foot before he caught the ball (I know, that is more of less making the call for you!
We had a VERY heated discussion last year in our association as to whether you should make your call first, then go for help if that is appealed, or go for help right away.
We came up with if you are very sure of your call, make it, but go for help if the offense appeals for you to get help with the pulled foot. If you are not sure, then go for help right away.
If you let the coach get all the way out to you before you go to your partner for help, you got some problems! Not that you didn't do the right thing. It is that it appears that you allowed the coach to talk you into the appeal. Pretty good chance the other coach is going to want to talk you out of it if you know what I mean!
If the coach starts running at you wanting you to go for help, hold up your hand towards him and tell him to stay put and start heading towards your partner. Talk to your partner alone, which nobody close enough to hear what you are talking about. Just because you ask him for help at this point, you DO NOT have to change your call! But, at least by going to him, the coach now thinks two of you are either idiots, or seen the same thing.
It is just best to go for help if you are not sure! If you are sure, and they explode on you, talk to your partner, but uphold your call. Remember, your partner may have got it wrong too!