Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
Welcome to the forum, AJ! We really should offer a program to all newcomers so they can tell the players.
JurasicReferee.......................Resident Curmudgeon
Mark Padgett........................Court Jester
Rainmaker.............................Chief Diversity Officer
ChuckElias............................Who is Chuck Elias?
BktBallRef.............................Master of the backcourt rule
Dan_ref................................Slightly Cranky, but harmless
Mick....................................Token U.P.-ite
Old School............................Running Joke, Best Ignored
JRutledge.............................May be different in your area
NevadaRef............................Spends every waking moment studying rules
Billy Mac..............................Long Postmaster General
tomegun..............................Anti-Stop Sign Crusader
M&M Guy.............................Brightly Colored Candy Shell
Whistles & Stripes..................Really Annoying Spelling Nitpicker
Bob Jenkins..........................Mod Man (think super hero)
Camron Rust.........................Yet Another Rules Maven
The Squirrel..........................Who is Chuck Elias?
Back in the Saddle.................Upstart PITA
I've left off tons of good folks, but this will get you started.
Thank you!!!! I've been waiting for someone to do this. Too funny! Got pictures to go along with these?