Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
Bring on the evaluator. I'd rather be known for taking care of bidness rather than letting stuff slide. If I'm working a playoff game, it's because I've been seen taking care of bidness all year long. Why would I change my MO because it's a playoff game? And what about the next unsporting action? Will you call that one? If so, that player then deserves an explanation about why she got the T and the first girl didn't. If not, how far down the toilet will the game get before you act? And what is this business about "force that on the coach as his warning for the players conduct"? Since when do we give coaches a warning for player behavior? What's your rules backing for that? 
Sorry I don't mean warn the coach. I meant I would tell the coach what I could have done and next time it happens it's a technical foul. This is for a high school game. This kind of reminds of the situation in the ACC tournament about 2 years ago, where personal didn't get off the floor in time and a technical foul was issued. The official was correct in with the technical foul but he got suspended for the rest of the tournament for issuing it because it didn't fit the game. I know this is a different situation then the one stated but overall I'm trying to say if it fits issue it if it doesn't why get yourself into trouble.