Wed Feb 28, 2007, 06:13pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally Posted by mightyvol
Has basically run his course. Every time I turn around I hear things about this guy. Lets see, he had a streak of 8 consecutive games last year in which he gave a Technical too someone. To start this year he had 5 games in a row with a Technical. Lately, he has thrown out 2 fans and a coach. He *****es and moans that he never does State Tourney games. I wonder why. I usually learn from things that happen, he obviously doesnt and would rather be an attention getter. Talk about officiating with a guy that would put you in a pecuilliar position each night out, if I were his partner I would tell him to shape up or if you dont I wont work with you anymore. Thoughts about this are welcome and would you work with someone like this? Too me he is compounding everything and I believe its time for him to either seek Officiating camp or quit. We dont need this type of behavior from fellow officials. Do We?
...But he keeps getting hired.
Somebody sees his worth.