We have an Official in the Area that:
Has basically run his course. Every time I turn around I hear things about this guy. Lets see, he had a streak of 8 consecutive games last year in which he gave a Technical too someone. To start this year he had 5 games in a row with a Technical. Lately, he has thrown out 2 fans and a coach. He *****es and moans that he never does State Tourney games. I wonder why. I usually learn from things that happen, he obviously doesnt and would rather be an attention getter. Talk about officiating with a guy that would put you in a pecuilliar position each night out, if I were his partner I would tell him to shape up or if you dont I wont work with you anymore. Thoughts about this are welcome and would you work with someone like this? Too me he is compounding everything and I believe its time for him to either seek Officiating camp or quit. We dont need this type of behavior from fellow officials. Do We?
sometimes the best call is a "no" call.