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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 05:04pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Splute
I am not clear on the final answer to this one. I am not sure, by rules, why the T was called at the time it was called. is the decision an unsportsman T? I would understand a Delay T perhaps at throw in and not having 5 players, but they made the ball live to the shooter, then called the T.

Would you please explain once more what you believe the call is for this?
I wasn't there and I can't tell you exactly what that official was thinking. All I can do is tell you the rules. So here goes:

It is my opinion that the only correct justification for a T in this situation is an unsporting foul under 10-3-7a.

If the calling official charged the T for the team not having five players on the court or for the player leaving the court for an unauthorized reason or for the player failing to return by the time the ball was made live, then the official was wrong by rule in his reasoning for the T.

If a player is confused and leaves the floor during a dead ball and the team now only has four players, there is no penalty in the NFHS rules book unless that player returns to the court during playing action. If the team waits until the next dead ball to put another team member into the game, there should be no penalty (either violation or technical foul) because there is no rule which an official can point to in order to justify making a call.
The following casebook play supports what I am writing:

10.3.3 SITUATION B: After a lengthy substitution process involving multiple substitutions for both Team A and Team B, A5 goes to the bench and remains there, believing he/she has been replaced. The ball is put in play even though Team A has only four players on the court. Team A is bringing the ball into A's frontcourt when the coach of Team A realizes they have only four players. The coach yells for A5 to return and A5 sprints directly onto the court without reporting or without being beckoned. RULING: A technical foul is charged to A5 for returning during playing action even though A5 had not been replaced.
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