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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 03:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
I never once said that profanity = ejection.

I said, and correctly so, that the phrase in the original post = ejection.
We have long left just talking only about the original post.

Originally Posted by blindzebra
Let's look at it this way:

Profanity, by rule, is a t'able offense.

Remarks directed at an official showing displeasure about a call is also a t'able offense.

The original post had a phrase that had 2 t'able offenses in it...1 + 1 = 2 and an ejection.
Who said this was not T'able offenses? I do not recall a single person in this entire thread (please show me were anyone said this BTW) that said there would not be a T. I do know that outside of profanity, I would address situations and have addressed situations long before we get to the profanity. I do not allow questioning of calls period without myself saying something to the participant. Last night in my playoff game I addressed an issue with a coach and no profanity was used, but I felt his yelling was not acceptable to me. Now I know there are officials that will just allow similar behavior continue all game long and then T when the behavior has escalated. I bet in this OP this was not the first personal comment the entire night. I am sure other comments were let go and this was the height of the frustration of a player.

I am also not saying the officials are completely at fault. I am saying that these comments to not just the first inappropriate comments during the game. I have never had a player after the first call just curse me out when the call does not go their way. Usually this is something that escalates over time.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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