Originally Posted by blindzebra
I never once said that profanity = ejection.
I said, and correctly so, that the phrase in the original post = ejection.
We have long left just talking only about the original post.
Originally Posted by blindzebra
Let's look at it this way:
Profanity, by rule, is a t'able offense.
Remarks directed at an official showing displeasure about a call is also a t'able offense.
The original post had a phrase that had 2 t'able offenses in it...1 + 1 = 2 and an ejection. 
Who said this was not T'able offenses? I do not recall a single person in this entire thread (please show me were anyone said this BTW) that said there would not be a T. I do know that outside of profanity, I would address situations and have addressed situations long before we get to the profanity. I do not allow questioning of calls period without myself saying something to the participant. Last night in my playoff game I addressed an issue with a coach and no profanity was used, but I felt his yelling was not acceptable to me. Now I know there are officials that will just allow similar behavior continue all game long and then T when the behavior has escalated. I bet in this OP this was not the first personal comment the entire night. I am sure other comments were let go and this was the height of the frustration of a player.
I am also not saying the officials are completely at fault. I am saying that these comments to not just the first inappropriate comments during the game. I have never had a player after the first call just curse me out when the call does not go their way. Usually this is something that escalates over time.