I've seen several - one kid that was playing for me when I coached was knocked to the ground face first - there was a kid that fell over top of him (other team). On tape you can see the kid look at my player under him and WHAM! he just dropped his whole (large) body on his head and completely smashed his front teeth. There was a fine white powder around his lips from what was his teeth!
In high school a teammate in practice went up for a layup and was fouled and came down on his ankle. His foot ended up at a 90 degree angle with a "ball" where his foot was. It was completely gross.
Of course I didn't see this one - but it was pretty devistating this past April when I completely ruptured my achilles tendon umpiring a college softball game! It rolled up in my calf and of course the foot just laying there doing nothing. (Refraining from an exwife story here!)
Larry Ledbetter
The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.