Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Please site the rule that states sprinting is a technical foul.
Good one. Very clever. Now I have to acknowledge that there is NOT a specific rule provision that states that sprinting is a technical foul. (Although I could cite a case play, as you did.)
If a player sprinted onto the court in the middle of play, you'd call a technical foul. If a player or coach sprinted at you in an unsporting manner, you'd call a technical foul. If a player or coach sprinted at you in a manner that suggested disagreement with your (or your partner's) call, you'd call a technical foul. The point, of course, is not that "sprinting" alone brings the T, but that sprinting can be a factor that an official uses in forming a judgment about whether or not to call a technical foul. There is no rule that requires a technical foul to be administered for "speaking," but speaking can be a factor that an official uses to determine whether a technical foul is appropriate.
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
The technical foul is for yelling profanity at the officials. Do you honestly not see that?
I absolutely agree that in the case play you cited, yelling profanity at the officials was the predominant factor in the NFHS's ruling that a flagrant technical foul should be called. Do you honestly not see the presence of other factors, too? Do you not see the possibility that the other factors might have been used to convert a technical foul into a flagrant technical foul?
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
What conclusion am I suppose to "jump to" when you defend not ejecting these participants? 
I did not defend not ejecting "these participants." I actually have expressed no opinion on whether or not swearing at an official is, or ought to be, a flagrant technical foul. What did I do? I pointed out that the case play you cited is NOT an edict for every case of profanity being ruled as a flagrant technical foul.
An official uses her or his judgment in these situations. The case play you cited contributes to an official's ability to exercise proper judgment (so, thank you for that). I just think it's important that other officials know that their judgment is required, not an automatic application of a bright line rule.
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
BTW, if you think that was a perosnal [sic] attack, you must have a tough time on the floor.
Ah, another good one. Very clever. The fact that I can identify a personal attack must mean that I am crippled by them. That'll get me.
BktBallRef, I intend to move on to other things now, and you are welcome to have the last word. I have always considered your contributions on this forum to be valuable. I merely pointed out an error you made -- implying that your case play requires a flagrant technical foul to be called in the situation described in the OP. I think enough has been said to let readers judge whether it is my mistake or yours.