back in my playing days
This happened when I was still in high school, probably during a JV game.
A kid from the other team went running after a loose ball out of bounds. He slapped the ball back into play and his momentum carried him toward one of the exit doors. He put his hands out to protect himself, but his right arm went straight throught the little plate glass window in the door. The remaining upper half of the sheet of glass slid down and cut through his bicep right down to the bone. I was a clean cut of all the muscle and ligament tissue. He pulled his arm out and blood was squirting everywhere. Combine that with everyone in the gym freaking out, it was a pretty intense experience. We stopped the game for almost an hour while we waited for clean-up and medical services. The kid didn't play again for roughly 2 years while he rehabed.
Last edited by JM_00; Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 10:07am.