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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 09:54am
RushmoreRef RushmoreRef is offline
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Posts: 127
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Sigh. It's already been cited above by BktBallRef. Case book play 5.6.2SitF. You don't mind high school kids swearing at YOU either, I take it?

Hey, be my guest. Let 'em call you every name in the book, for all I care. Hell, they know that they're not gonna get thrown out anyway. Remember, though, to be fair you have to let every single player on both teams swear at YOU like that without fear of being tossed. Not to mention coaches, trainers, student managers, etc., etc., etc.

You reap what you sow, and officials that don't want to to take care of bidness deserve exactly what they get.
I'm not going flagrant with this either, at least as far as the example. I think it would be flagrant if the player did so in a confrontational manner, but taking the "easy approach" and just yelling while his back is turned or walking away just gets him a regular old, two-pinky T. JMO
Do you really think it matters, Eddy?
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