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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 09:14am
sj sj is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 360
This one is football but nothing I've seen has ever topped it. Not even Joe Theisman's leg looked as bad as this, In practice an Iowa State running back in about 1975 or so was running down field and slightly left and then cut back off his left foot and turned back towards the right. When he planted his right foot it happened to be against the grain of the astro-turf and got caught up and it got stuck in the turf. His momentum then took his upper body over the top of his stuck foot and his upper body then sort of rolled over the top of his own leg. His knee then hyper extended a complete 90 degrees the opposite direction that it should be before the foot became unstuck. In other words if he had been sitting normally in a chair his foot and toes would be staring back at him in the face. The doctors thought for awhile to just go ahead and amputate but they didn't.

The trainer had the film and also made four still pictures from the negatives which is how you can see the full 90 degrees. It was brutal.
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