Originally Posted by blindofficial
Ok stupid question... Get ready.... I'll be waiting for all the smart comments. How many times has it happened where you actually got hit on the foot working behind the plate with the plate shoes on? I hear everyone recommending plate shoes (and I'm getting them), but on average, how many times do you get hit in the foot where your plate shoes protect you? Just curious is all......
1st year ump here....Go easy on me.
It only takes one hit to turn your metatarsal bones to pins and screws! They do not take too kindly to lateral pressures such as a ball hitting them. People can argue but I simply say umpiring is a side-job. If you get hurt on your side-job and it affects your real job, how do you pay your bills?
Around 20 years ago, I had a partner who took a simple foul ball off his baseball cleats that he always wore at the plate. After he had his foot rebuilt he was released from his job because he could not climb ladders due to the injury. Not bad, 24 years doing his job and a foul ball changed everything! Is it worth it?