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Old Mon Feb 26, 2007, 06:32pm
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
You would be wrong, but that is not the first time.

I have seen Teddy V give Ts left and right. I have never seen him eject someone without two Ts. I am sure there was some profanity in those situations. I will bet money on that one. Actually I cannot think of anyone outside of Rick Barnes that he got rid of. And what did you people do here, say he should have done it.

1. That is an opinion and judgment, not something that we all agree on. I guess if we disagree with you

2. I think it is a disgrace to tell other people what they "should" do because it is not your opinion.

3. Maybe for you because you do not have the ability to deal with the situation. Once again, I cannot think the last time or ever that a player cursed at me. They have said other things, but cursing? No.

Typical Rut BS.

Dealing with the situation in this case is blowing your whistle and unloading the little punk...something you appear to not have the sack to do.

We are discussing a specific event, not one that can't happen because the big, bad aura of J Rutledge is on the floor...get over yourself already, your arrogance was old a long time ago.
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