Mon Feb 26, 2007, 05:07pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Michigan
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by The Canuck
I officiate because I need to be around basketball. I can't not.
I stopped growing in grade 10 when I was 5'10", but still started at forward on the junior team at school. We were a small team and I couldn't dribble so I was doomed to getting hammered in the low post all game, every game by bigger guys. I didn't play senior ball for this very reason, instead turning to officiating - it was a way to be around the game of basketball that didn't hurt quite as much.
One thing struck me about this article though - did you notice that every guy they talked to was a multi-sport official? Whatever happened to specialists? With apologies to any multi-sport officials reading this, I have my reservations about guys like that. There are a few guys who do football and basketball in my area (the two sports in which I am the most involved) and it's clear they're there probably for the money second but certainly the power trip first. Not to say they're bad guys, it's more that maybe their priorities are a bit out of whack.
I do baseball and basketball just becuse I love those two sports and want to stay involved.