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Old Mon Feb 26, 2007, 03:41pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally Posted by blindzebra
I think it's convenient that many choose to use the, I don't have this problem in my game cop-out.

Of course they don't, because they ignore it, and leave the rest of us to clean up their mess later on...what you allow, you condone.
You must have a flagrant T every single game? Or are you advocating a flagrant T every single game is a must? Considering this happens all the time and it is just being ignored all officials have to step up and throw players out for this behavior.

Some officials have a reputation for many things. Maybe the officials that constantly have to deal with this do not know how to deal with people the proper way and only are penalizing behavior. Maybe there are another set of officials that know how to deal with people and they are not getting to the point where they are being cursed out. You think guys like Ed Hightower, Teddy Valentine, Teddy Higgins or Jim Burr do not have a reputation? I will not put myself on the same plane as any of those officials, but I do feel I have a reputation for not tolerating certain behavior and I work with a lot of officials that have similar reputations and no one dares to go there. Also if a team does not know me, they learn rather quickly that I do not put up with BS. All it takes is a little word with a coach and most conflict with players stops, because the coach takes care of it.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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