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Old Mon Feb 26, 2007, 01:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Well, if you let players swear AT you, then imo they sureashell ARE out of control. There's a big difference between swearing and a player calling you names. And there's also a big difference between high school and D1 basketball.
Stop the hyperbole. I did not say I let anyone do anything. I would gladly punish such actions, I just do not feel on its surface this is an "automatic" ejection. If you do feel it is, knock yourself out. I stop players from complain at all about any call. So usually it does not get to that level.

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
No wonder the OJ Mayo's of the world feel that they can get away with anything. With some officials, they can.
The OJ Mayo situation has absolutely nothing to do with this. Once again, more hyperbole.

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Again, jmo. If you and the others feel that it's OK for high school players to swear at you and them, be my guest. Calling a regular ol' "T" is meaningless. They'll never learn a thing from that, except that they can get away with it.
I realize this is an emotional issue for you and you feel that you have to right all the wrongs across the country, whether it is a rules issue or why we should not listen to Referee Magazine. I think your passion is admirable on the surface, but please do not tell me why I should do something because you think it is wrong. I know we do not agree on other issues that I feel are very moral and you do not see me beating you over the head with my opinion. OJ Mayo did this in West Virginia, he did not do this in places that would have gotten him a punch back (I am kind of kidding). So OJ is used to officials giving a damn about his status. I live in an area where OJ would just be another so-called superstar and officials would not care what that kid thought. Ask fellow McDonald's American Derrick Rose and see if officials bended over backwards to make him feel special where I live?

Please do not tell me what I should do or not do in my games. I have enough experience and been through enough fires in my career in 3 sports that I can form an opinion that works for me. If you feel you need to throw someone out and fill out paper work because they used a curse word that is your right to feel that way. I have had great success with problem players and they seemed to get the message to what I do not want them to do. If you do not have that ability or want to do that, go right ahead.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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