When I read the OP, it states the official just chuckled about it. He did not think it was that bad, so I don't understand why you are debating it. Whether is was a flagrant T or not is irrelevant b/c both officials passed on the call. If you want to debate flagrant or not. That is a judgment call, not an absolute like JR says. I can toss a coach or player for saying far less than that so whether a flagrant is called or not is judgment.
You and JR need to learn to trust your partners and fellow comrades. What I mean is they are possibly at the end of there night and thinking about the good time they are going to have afterwards. Some player says something completely dumb, and I'm like, if I call this technical, that's going to delay the game that much more, and it's not going to change the outcome. This game is over and I'm not slowing it down to shoot no technicals, got to explain to the coach why, etc., etc. Even though it was well deserved, ain't got time tonight. Got a beautiful honey waiting on me afterwards. I'm going home.
I can't tell you how many times a player or coach has spouted off to me at or near the end of the game, and I just ignored it because it's not going to change the outcome. The only thing it's going to do is delay my leaving that much more. Cause some other undue stuff that I now have to deal with. If my evaluator is there and says why I didn't call that technical. I would say what technical? Didn't you hear that kid on the bench? I'd be like, what kid? What did he say? Damn, if I would have heard that, I would have T him. Have a good night.....