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Old Mon Feb 26, 2007, 09:33am
IREFU2 IREFU2 is offline
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Originally Posted by NewNCref

I showed up earlier for a game I was working and got to watch some of the game before mine. In the game, the referee had a good (no, I'll even go great) no-call. The player made an odd looking move at the basket, but definitely not a travel (if you know the rules, which these players most certainly didn't). Anyways, as the T is counting off the 5 seconds for the throw-in after the made basket, a player on the team who now has the ball screams "You're f---ing horrible." I was appalled, and just waiting for the flagrant T, but NOTHING HAPPENED. Neither the T nor the L (2-man) called it. I'm willing to give the L the benefit of the doubt, as he said (after the game when I talked to him) that he didn't hear it. When I asked the T about it, all he had to say was, "Well, I just have tough skin," and then chuckled about it.

I could have exploded ....but I needed to work the next game, and they would prefer a whole me over little bits and pieces

In my opinion, I would have not given flagrant, just an unsportsmanlike T. He should have been stuck. I would have done it immediately.
Score the Basket!!!!

Last edited by IREFU2; Mon Feb 26, 2007 at 09:35am.
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