Originally Posted by REFVA
Tomegun, you having been from the DC metro area, You must know first hand the politics of officiating especially in Northern VA. It's not what you know , it's who you know... 1st year official had a semi final regional game last night, while 12 of us vets were watching him do the game.. I mean we had D1/2/3 officials sitting from the same association. It got ugly with the pot shot that were being thrown... Sad!!
I got a problem with this one. A D1/D2 official worrying about a regional semi-final HS game. WTF!!!! If you are a DI official, you should be chasing college assignments. I'm sure you should be able to find some college work somewhere on the east coast and not have to sweat a HS game.
No doubt I would be disappointed that a 1st year official is working such a playoff game. The question that comes up is did this person come in with high credentials from let's say another state. In other words he/she has already worked state playoff games but from a different region. This is okay to me but college officials who barely worked any HS games during the regular season working the state HS playoff games is wrong, imo.