Thread: Tights
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Old Sun Feb 25, 2007, 11:23am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Tights ?????

From Ed Maeder : "Tights are illegal as per 3-5-6, but was told with a licensed medical physician's statement that they can be worn. I seem to remember something in a rules interpretation about the sleeve for medical reasons but don't know if tights were part of that.

Ed Maeder: I'm looking at Rule 3 and the only reference in the rule regarding tights is "tights shall not extend below the pants". Exceptions for either religious or medical reasons are given for artificial limbs, head coverings, and religious and medical alert medals. As you indicated, there may be a rule interpretation allowing such an exception for tights or sleeves, but I can't find it in the 2006-07 NFHS Rule Book. Hopefully your thread may get some of our more active Forum members to do some research to get us the correct citation, either rule book, case book, or interpretation.
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