yes i see a lot of -- "hey you did a good job today" then as soon as you turn your back the axe gets slammed into it around here.
i dont get involved with that but the only thing i do get involved is that there are some guys I wont work with and we have the option to "black-list" certain partners. There are a handful of guys that I will not work with because of several issues with them, mostly I do not respect them because of some of their actions and how they carry themselves.
you cannot stop this all you can do is let your actions speak for themselves. figure out your weaknesses for yourself and address them. I have several and I pregame these in -- like in gray area coverage I tell me partner to help with travels as I am weak with that call, also I like working with guys who have much better rules knowledge in 3rd world scenarios. I have even turned down 2 games simply because I knew that if anything screwy came up I had the potential to screw it up big time and I that could really set me back. if it were just calling a game I would be fine -- but if a screwy situation came up and my partner wasnt sure and it fell on me, well I was just not ready. I have also worked with guys that took games that they were not ready for -- big crowd, competitive players/coaches, cheerleaders -- the whole nine. They get like deer with a headlight on them. know what you can do, and keep trying to improve on that. a big screw up early can only set you back, but if you plan it right and make the right choices who cares what yahoos say about you behind your back.
just do what you do and try and get the people that need to notice you notice you on the court.
in OS I trust