Originally Posted by GoodwillRef
100 + D1 games for Teddy translates to around $200,000 a year.
Beat me to it . . . it is well known that Stever Welmer made WELL over $220,000 last year and he called 118 games. If Ted Valentine called over 100 games, I can be almost certain he made out like a bandit. Now, based on Welmer's figures, that is about $1865 per game. Typical game lasts 1.5 hours, plus 1 hour for pregame and preparation, 1 hour for postgame (travel time not included) . . . hmmm . . . 3.5 Hours worth of work . . . @ $532+ per hour . . . yeah, I could do that . . . considering I make about $18/hour right now . . . It ain't much of an increase, but I could manage.