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Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 11:52am
Ignats75 Ignats75 is offline
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Location: Lakewood, Ohio
Posts: 718
Coaches will complain, its their job on the line.

However, what separates the good coach is that they know "how" to complain.

A good coach will ask you about a situation, or say to watch a particular play, but they will not ever get personal with it.
WHile you are correct on the facts, there is more to it than that. Coaches also routinely referee from the bench. That doesn't last long in my games. Ask me why on a specific play I didn't call something. Ask me politely and I'll tell you. "Coach, he was bobbling the ball and had no control." But demand calls, yell out "travel" , "reach", or my favorite "Over the back" more than once and the seatbelt salesman will be smiling again as he just got another sale.
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