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Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 11:27am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by REFVA
I Think that this thread is going in the wrong direction, Although very interesting. This post had nothing to do with gender, race or religion. we know that this country as much as they say is very fair, we know damn well there is a lot of prejudice. In every category. we all feel it in some way of another.
I never feel it is wrong to talk reality about hiring. Race, gender, social economic statuses are never wrong to talk about when it comes to issues like this. If you hire newer officials to a conference based on what Bobby Knight wants to be accomplished, you will have to consider these factors into that. If you go to any college camp this is discussed rather openly or honestly, not sure why we cannot discuss it here. I guess we still live in a society that wants to stick their head in the sand about these issues.

Since you did mention religion, I did work a playoff game at a site that had multiple players were wearing Yamica (sp?) and one kid was wearing a head dress that I believe has a Muslim significant or some other Religion you might see practiced in Asia or parts of Africa as much more of a norm. When was the last time you saw an official wear something like this when they officiate (in any part of the world)? So religion can and has played apart in what we express or not express when we officiate.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)